A successful team is more than the sum of its parts. It becomes a dynamic system and takes on a life of its own. Truly coming together as a team requires a new mindset and a set of skills that can be learned. Many teams fail simply because people lack the abilities and insights to make the changes needed to relate as a team and achieve success.
For us, the process begins with the Team Diagnostic™, a powerful tool and methodology that measures and develops team attitude and productivity. Based on 14 elements of successful teamwork, this process provides a systematic approach to strengthening the team and sustaining high performance. We offer team training and follow-up coaching that keeps commitment high and team members accountable and satisfied.
This investment in employees yields big dividends. A recent study by Public Personnel Management magazine, for instance, found that training alone increased productivity by 22.4%. When paired with coaching, the figure soared to 88%. Other benefits, such as employee retention, are also significant. Can you afford not to coach your firm’s employees?