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Build Successful Teams

One of the most reliable predictors of sustainable high performance is how well an organization creates and develops its teams, how positively people interact. For team building to succeed, it must be a transformational process in which people open up to new ways of relating to each other and learn to develop and use new capabilities within themselves. When teams are clicking, they come to recognize and benefit from the power of being positive. Effective coaching is an essential catalyst for this transformation.

In organizations, real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships
and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions,
roles, and positions.
—Margaret Wheatley

Produce Remarkable Results: 1 + 1 = 3

A successful team is more than the sum of its parts. It becomes a dynamic system and takes on a life of its own. Truly coming together as a team requires a new mindset and a set of skills that can be learned. Many teams fail simply because people lack the abilities and insights to make the changes needed to relate as a team and achieve success.

For us, the process begins with the Team Diagnostic™, a powerful tool and methodology that measures and develops team attitude and productivity. Based on 14 elements of successful teamwork, this process provides a systematic approach to strengthening the team and sustaining high performance. We offer team training and follow-up coaching that keeps commitment high and team members accountable and satisfied.

This investment in employees yields big dividends. A recent study by Public Personnel Management magazine, for instance, found that training alone increased productivity by 22.4%. When paired with coaching, the figure soared to 88%. Other benefits, such as employee retention, are also significant. Can you afford not to coach your firm’s employees?

Executive Coaching
Positive human-to-human connections built among
team members form the basis for support, cooperation,
and team spirit that not only make for high morale but
also the kind of effective communication and creativity
that lead to greater productivity.
—Lee Gardenswartz & Anita Rowe